6 Reasons You Should Invest in Maternity Photography

Are you expecting a little bundle of joy soon? Pregnancy is an exciting time of life. It’s a time of anticipation and, for many, lots of activity.

You may be remodeling a room to set up a nursery. You spend hours looking through stores and picking out all the right baby gear. You may even sit by yourself imagining what your new life with your precious little bundle will be like.

But amidst the flurry of baby showers and planning, have you taken some time for yourself? Go get your nails done or change up your hair. Self-care is important and you won’t have as much time for it after the baby arrives.

Having photos taken of you is a beautiful way to commemorate this special stage of your life. Have you thought about investing in maternity photography? Here are some reasons why you should.

1. Celebrate Pregnancy

Pregnancy is difficult. If you’re pregnant now, you’re well aware of this. If not yet, ask any woman who has had children. There are sleepless nights, days of nausea, and lots of random aches and pains.

Not to mention the anticipation of the main event itself. Every pregnant woman wonders, what will it feel like to give birth? Will it go the way you plan?

All of that makes pregnancy a very uncomfortable and uncertain stage of life. But that’s all it is, a stage. In the whole scheme of things, it’s a rather short stage. Most women will only be pregnant a few times.

Hiring a professional photographer to celebrate this stage is becoming very popular. And for good reason. Bringing life into the world is a pretty big deal, why wouldn’t you want to commemorate it? Photos are the perfect way to do that.

2. See Yourself as Others See You

Many women shy away from the camera during pregnancy. The weight gain sometimes makes them feel bloated and insecure about their appearance.

But take a moment to view professional maternity photography. What do you think when you see those photos?

Are you obsessing over her extra thick thigh or puffy cheeks? We bet you’re only thinking about how gorgeous that glowing mummy looks.

Professional photography gives you the chance to see yourself as others see you. They see a lovely woman glowing with the happiness and anticipation of meeting her baby. Later you will look back and treasure those beautiful moments.

3. Professional Maternity Photography is in its Own League

Cameras are everywhere today. Everybody’s got a camera phone and there are lots of click-happy people.

You may think you can take some fun candid and perspective shots on your own. You may ask a friend to get a few full-length shots and try using those.

Make no mistake, those fun selfies have their place. But this is an epic stage of life. You will want beautiful, flattering, quality photographs. The only way to get those types of photos is to hire a professional.

Professionals know how to pose pregnant women so they look their best. They can do amazing things to make your photos special. They play with light to create depth and beautiful effects.

They know how to take photos from the right angles. That’s how they show off your beautiful belly without making you look like an elephant.

Your friend with an iPhone simply can’t compete.

4. It’s a Bonding Experience

Maternity photography is not only about you and your baby. It’s also about your partner and other family members. Photos of dads interacting with the baby in mom’s belly are some of the sweetest moments to capture.

The experience of taking photos itself is a beautiful bonding experience. This goes for you and your partner as well as any other children you already have.

Getting the whole family in on the experience makes everybody feel like they have a part. Later, your kids will love to show their little sibling those photos. They’ll be excited to show off how they were there when their sibling was in mom’s belly.

5. Your Baby Will Appreciate It

Of course, it will be a few years before your baby will care. But once they’re old enough, those photos are something special for them to look at.

Even when they’re little you can show them that this was you with them in your belly! They will have fun imagining what it was like to be curled up inside you. Someday they might even show their own children that this was them in grandma’s tummy.

6. You’ll Regret Not Doing It

Think about how you’ll feel a few years down the road. This may be one of the most important reasons for investing in maternity photography. Many women who choose to forego photos regret not having taken them.

You’re only pregnant for a short time. Before you know it, your kids are running around and starting school. Pretty soon they’ll be having their own kids. Ask your mom, she’ll tell you how fast it has all gone by.

Maternity photography is a great way to freeze time for a moment. Years later you can look back and remember this beautiful time in your life.

It was difficult, sure, but you would do it all again for the wonderful gift you received. Children are such a precious blessing.

We work with women all the time who are having their second or third baby. They tell us how deeply they regret not having photos of their first. Don’t let that be you. Invest in these beautiful memories while you have the chance.

Privacy Concerns

We understand how important privacy is to our clients. To respect your home and your family we promise to never share your images. You are the sole owner of your photos.

We’re also sensitive to the cultural norms and preferences of our area. Maternity photography involves taking some very intimate images. To make you feel more comfortable, we only employ female photographers.

Contact us today to book your session! Even if you’re in the first stages of pregnancy, it doesn’t hurt to plan ahead. Once the big day rolls around you’ll be ready!

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